Thursday, January 30, 2020

What is the p-value of 1.92 Essay Example for Free

What is the p-value of 1.92 Essay The strategic plan for the first company is to grow 2.5 million dollars. The strategy helps an organization plan long-term actions to achieve the major objectives throughout the company. The key factors in a strategy include the market, product and the organizational development strategic alliance. The weakness of Tina’s plan is that it might not be enough change to drive 2.5 million in gross revenue. She may need more ideas to get her to 2.5 million. The strategic plan for the second company is to help improve the competitive performance throughout the organization. Ying’s strategy has three broad strategic options that help her collect receivables in a timely manner that should lead to accessible profits for the company. Ying is thinking outside the box to find a way to work with the locals who are out to sea for months on end and may have bills to pay while at sea, or may be short on cash because of the remote environment and lack of available jobs year round. Comparative Analysis Tina and Ying’s strategic plans have many things in common. Both took similar approaches to begin their strategic plans by providing company background, mission statement and values, etc. This approach provides readers information gradually, and makes the transition smooth. Both Tina and Ying also focused on the environmental analysis for their chosen organizations. However, there are many things different in Tina and Ying’s strategic plans as well. In Tina’s environmental analysis, she focused more on the organization’s external environment, especially the threats posed by the organization’s competitors. Ying analyzed her organization’s external environment from three aspects, remote, industry, and operation. As for the internal environment, Ying applied SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Another major difference between Tina and Ying’s strategic plans lies in the implementation plans. In Tina’s implementation plan, she took a departmental approach, which means different department will have different objectives, tactics, action items, milestones, and tasks. Ying’s strategic plan focused on reducing accounts receivable days, which is a business office function, thus the implementation plan targets the business office specifically. The Selected Strategic Plan Choosing a strategic plan is difficult due to the writer being a participant. However in this situation Ying has already laid the foundation for the selection. Tina’s paper is a bit more robust when it comes to a strategic plan for the company in general. Tina has worked in all departments of her company in her fifteen years of service, which allows a broader insight of the company’s needs. However, though Ying is focusing on just one department within the hospital, changing the cash flow will help the hospital considerably. Unfortunately, the hospitals leadership team could take the money earned by the receivable department and invest it elsewhere if it is not part of a bigger plan. Ying’s paper is well written and shows great understanding of her department and its needs. Justification ADO is a small company with a need for an increasing workforce. To continue to support the resources brought on to grow different departments, the company must bring more cash flow to the bottom line. Team D believes that  Tina’s plan covers a larger scope, and with a few more tweaks will have a better chance of attaining the interest of investors. Giving investors insight to the company helps promote trust. A level of trust is necessary because investors want to make a strong return on investment. Investors must feel that a company not only has a the inspiration of an idea but also the methodical diligence of execution. Conclusion Members of Learning Team D learned not only how to develop appropriate strategic plan, but also a key to the success of any team project is cooperation and collaboration. Through the journey of this team project, members in Team D have helped one another, and made progress and improvement with one another. It was truly a successful team work.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How many wolves are too many? :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1922 the federal government passed a law that allowed wolves in Yellowstone National Park to be hunted. In just four years later the last wolf was hunted. In 1995, the gray wolf was reintroduced to the park. The government started off by introducing 31 wolves in the Montana and Wyoming parts of the park. Now 116 wolves now live and more then 75 pups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The controversy surrounding the reintroduction of the wolves are many from both sides. Some local farmers are against it because some wolves hunt their animals. However, if the farmers can prove their animal was attacked by a wolf, then the government would reimburse them for the animals value. Another problem is that some taxpayers are against the reintroduction because it cost them money to get the wolves back into the park. Another issue for taxpayers is that they have to pay for the damage the wolves do to the farmer’s animals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The pro for the reintroduction is the ecosystem is healthier. With the reintroduction, the wolf hunts sick deer and elk. The weak are sorted out and the strong survive. The same goes for the wolves. The wolves that are injured or have diseased cannot survive. When they die scavengers get to eat their meat, which contributes to the ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another pro is more people come to Yellowstone National Park to see the wolves since they were extinct for more then 30 years. According to the National Parks Conservation Association, an average of 15,000 people see a wolf in Yellowstone a year. Douglas Smith, who is doing research about the wolves, recording a wolf sighting for 135 straight days from the park roads.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In other parks, the federal recovery program is going well. At Isle Royale National Park in Michigan, wolf’s population reached 29, which is the maximum number to survive in the ecosystem. Those 29 wolves can easily live sustainable off the 210 square miles of land. The state of Minnesota has more then 2,500 wolves living and roaming the lands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many controversies surrounding the wolf protection policy. From the view of the farmers who loss there live stock, I understand why they would not want the wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park or any place else. The problem I have with it is how does the government find market value for a cow? Is it a flat rate? Many questions surround the value of a cow or any other livestock.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How to Write a Tabloid Style Article

How to Write a Tabloid Style Article Tabloids take bits and pieces of stories and focus on the most scandalous, violent or criminal aspects and the burden of truth is much lower than it is in regular journalistic articles. With a few tips, you can write a successful piece that grabs the readers' attention and holds them captive until the last word. Instructions: Step 1 Look for story ideas in local newspapers on the back pages. Articles that detail a gruesome crime or romantic liaisons make good fodder for tabloid articles and if a well-known personality is involved it's even better.Step 2 Find creative â€Å"sources† to quote for your article. After interviewing the disgruntled ex-wife of a popular soccer player, your article, entitled â€Å"Soccer Star Stalks Underage Girls,† needn't meet the requirement of subject truth as long as you indicate a â€Å"source† made the accusations. Step 3 Prompt your sources with loaded questions. If you're writing a piece abou t a peeping tom in the community, ask one witness if she was â€Å"frightened beyond belief by his twisted features. If she responds with a â€Å"yes,† you can write, â€Å"The victim indicated that she was frightened beyond belief by his twisted features. † Step 4 Contact the publicity agents of celebrities and offer to write only positive stories about their client in exchange for information. Stars regularly â€Å"feed† the tabloids information and send photographs as part of a deal that the tabloid not run damaging articles. Step 5 Elaborate on the most sensational aspects of the story. If the subject is something you would overhear in the beauty salon in whispered tones, it's robably just right for your tabloid article. The higher the gossip factor, the better. Step 6 Keep detailed records of everyone you interview for tabloid articles. While celebrities are slow to sue, private individuals might resent you publishing a scandalous story about them. Make su re you have the documentation to back up what you write. Step 7 Stick to writing tabloid stories about well-known personalities, stars and politicians to protect yourself against libel charges. Test:  Writing Skills

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Report for New Product - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1972 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Did you like this example? ANALYSIS REPORT FOR NEW PRODUCT SUMMARY: The whole case study is based on the decision making analysis based on the new product operations. For this purpose I would prefer to understand about the market in which the product would be compete with the other products. These findings were made by Robert himself and the information in the questions available against these findings. We discuss them one by one and if any assumptions made there under. The Exclusive rights given by the Kokoa SA to Robert for selling and using their name. Such type of rights given by the company or manufacturer to their seller for enhancement and increase their sales. This right is provided for the period of 5 years and Robert must be paid some money in advance. The advance amount is not mentioned by Robert in his finding so according to the American royalty rates for food industry we studied that the upfront payment may be $200 per month and should be paid 5 years payment in advance that is $12,000. The second assumption we made for the inventory turnover period and Kg(s) of the chocolates. According to the study Robert wants to make orders after every two weeks and maintain the stock level for the four weeks in the first year of operations the stock level and orders sequence would not be made accurate as per the willing of Robert because the demand and supply rule of economics is applied. The market analysis made by the expert is based on the assumptions and estimations but the actual results show the greater variation. Such variation would be reduced at the end of the first year for the first year the assumption is made that is random growth in sales units of chocolates. Which makes the random increase in the Kg (s) which is imported from Switzerland? The third assumption is made for the order size which would be imported from the supplier according to the market survey and Robert’s given information, the order should be made after two weeks and must be enough for the next four weeks. In the first year of operations the sales units are vary randomly therefore, I made an assumption regarding the ordering the units that is in the current month order will be made for the following month requirements, and such requirements will be made on the assumptions which are made for the sales units. For the next year and thereafter the sales units are sold out of the same quantity as the market survey said. So, the minimum stock would be the same as Robert required. And the sales units will be the same as market survey state. Therefore, in the next year budgeted cash flow is not required any specific type of assumptions. The cost of the material is based on the currency of Switzerland that is CHF, and the supplier will give the 40% discount on the price in which the chocolates Kg sold out in Switzerland. Therefore, the actual price at which Robert will receive the material that is CHF 51 and the conversion rate is 1.06 then the price is 54.41 US dollars. The freight charges also be paid in CHF and conversion rate is used for the purpose of monthly and annual cash flows. The available capital for the new product is $100,000 and the loan facility is also available if necessary. But as per the monthly cash flows for the first year of operations there is no need any type of loan facility as the available capital is enough for this purpose. Robert also said about the available excess capital can be invested at the rate of 5%. The cash flows of the first year at the month level show that the company has excessive capital at the level of $30,000. I have made an assumption in respect of the investment of the amount of $30,000 and the return on such investment will be received in first month of following the investment e.g. February. In the first year the return will be made for 11 month as the assumption is made by me that the investment is made at the last day of the first month and it will made for minimum three years. AMOUNT WHICH WILL NEED TO GET GOING: There are many things which would be considered when a business is going to be start. There is a need to made feasibility study, if research is going appropriate and there is no uncertain indications then the development phase is started. In our case study, the research phase is completed now the operations of the company will be started. The study reveals that the available cash is enough for starting of the company’s food operations. The company has backup cash support from the bank of $50,000 at the rate of 8%. The initial expenses of the company are reasonable and there is no heavy machinery is required for the sake of starting the business and the main advantage which reduces the various ancillary expenditures which are necessary to start a business as he is an online seller. The available analysis made by Robert and the estimated monthly and yearly cash flows stated that the maximum cash which would be needed in the current situation if all other circumstances which would not lead to the circumstances change then the funds will be enough for the commencement of the food business that is $100,000. And the maximum expenditures will not be more than $50,000. So, for any uncertainty company has more than enough funds to control the circumstances. SENSITIVITY ISSUES: For the development or expanding an existing business, the organization either small or large, should develop the following things to reduce the effects of any uncertain happening. The sensitivity is the matter of product development which having the base of past research, present findings and future directions. If the new project is not following the planned directions or instructions then it will reduce the effects of the expected outcomes of the projects. Each analysis has some type of steps and components which must be followed during the working on them. Robert should follow, in start of the new product, demand and supply rule. I n this rule, production will be start at that time when the order will be taken by the company. For reducing the risk of loss in production, the system of production on the basis of orders is best in that environment. Another thing, which should be consider by Robert, that is, the online competitors of the company with the similar type of food products. He must evaluate the; Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis Report for New Product" essay for you Create order Prices Quality of product Quantity in each unit pack Quality of services Systems and technology used by the other competitor Influencing areas of operations Customer response Promotions and Schemes to attract the general public Advertisement plans In the regulatory prospective, Robert should get his product register, and must be taken a prior permit to start the selling of the new product. In order to achieve the expected results Robert must follow the following points in his market survey. UPFRONT PAYMENT FOR EXCLUSIVE RIHTS: Kokoa SA gives a right to use the name and its products under his own name in North America. Robert is allowed to use freely the right by paying an amount for a period of five years. It is the nature of royalty or purchasing an intangible asset. The amount of right must be paid in full for the period of five years. There is no clear information in the statements given by Robert about the terms and conditions of the contract made between both the parties. It is a small business operating in a limited area as the shipping is available only for North America. The company cannot exercise the right until the upfront payment clearance made by the Kokoa SA. In addition, the right gives Robert an oppo rtunity to purchase as much as the demand of the chocolates is increased in the future. There is no restriction regarding the purchase and time limits in respect of re-ordering. There is no specific law made by the regulation authority in respect of any royalty payment or license to use the products of the company of other jurisdiction except the prior approval and settlement. In our case, the Kokoa SA is a manufacturer of chocolates; Robert will purchase the chocolates and pack it under his own brand name then sell it. In US law, the right to use the other brand name is restricted but the use of products of other companies in making of company’s own product is not prohibited. It the company arise the liability by using the name of Kokoa SA, then the Law exists. So, there is only a contract can be made by the company in respect of the exclusive rights and its payment. In the market survey we find that the current rates in US of the similar contracts and rights made b y the other companies and competitors are from $150 to $400 in medium scale businesses. Our contract made by the Kokoa SA is on the basis of each order. The exclusive right settlement for five years is for $200 per month and for the whole period is $12,000 which is not refundable. If unexpectedly, the operations of selling and buying of chocolates need to stop then the payment of exclusive rights cannot be able to reverse by the Kokoa SA. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: There are the following recommendations to Robert for the start up the new product. Market surveys based on the advertising the product and customer responses must be critically evaluate. Start small investment in respect of the new product Make up a portfolio of the products Acquire the business license for the new products Make a business plan for the new setup and running business too. And upload it on the website and advertise it accordingly in the manner which are most effective and enhance the productivity and customer response. I would like to suggest as a professional, to create a department for recording the whole operations of the business and report on them, which exactly represents the profitability of the company and new product. Always find the new ways to cover up the high cost and how to low the cost or alternative ways. During the planning, always overestimate the costs and expenses and underestimate the incomes and receiving. Always finds the ways to make the profit exponentially increase. For this, there are five drivers which are directly impact on the profits of the company. These are as following; Leads: how can the total number of customer increases day by day. Conversion rate: the average number of people who buy the product as the percentage of number of people who visits the website Average dollar sale: estimate the average dollar sale on the basis of conversion rate for the year. Average number of transaction Profit Margin: the profit percentage which the company earns by the selling of a single unit of its product. These are the evaluating factors which are having the influence on the profitability of the company. The ultimate conclusion of the research made by Robert for his new product in the portfolio of his company is good for his business only in the case, if he spends more money in the advertising campaign of the products and website at which the buying and selling take place. If the other things remain same i.e. economical conditions, exchange rate, inflation, stability in the foreign exchange market, political conditions, external factors which are directly affect the business in the North America and South America, then the expected and estimated cash flows monthly and annually are present the appropriate cash in and out of the company for the new products. For any uncertain happening the company has enough cash in backup to take care of the company’s future viability.